Asal dan Usul


Buat Saudara-saudaraku yang telah lupa akan asal dan usul dirinya:-


Dunia hari ini semakin haus di telan kemaksiatan, peredaran zaman yang meminggirkan segala anasir Rohaniyah. Manusia kesasaran lalu mengambil Iblis menjadi Tuhan. Inilah hakikat jiwa-jiwa manusia yang mengaku dirinya Islam. Tasdiq kononnya di hati, mengaku-ngaku akan dirinya Mukmin. Walhal mereka-mreka ini, Lupa akannya janji yang dimeteri dahulu, lupa akan asal dan usul diriNya. Setiap manusia, membentuk olahan jiwa di peradaban masa kini tanpa menghiraukan quality diri yang batin, yang di dalamnya telah tersemai Insanul Haq titipan Ghaibiyah yang tertitis sebermula pancaran keTuhanan yang awal. Lantaran itu, hanyutlah jiwa-jiwa halus ini dimamah Iblis, diperdaya Syaitan lalu merajakan Laknatullah ini di batin mereka. Lupa mereka, bagaimana kalimah yang di bawa Nabi s.a.w itu adalah nyawa kepada setiap Mukmin. Inilah yang diperjuang oleh para Awwallin, menyanggup mereka akan hilangnya harta benda, keluarga, waimah nyawa mereka sekalipun, tegap melaung, menangkis serta memungkas senjata mengkibarkan Kalimah Tauhid ini.


Ku suntingkan di sini dari sisi kalimat yang mulia fi kitabihil adzim:-


Barangsiapa mencari agama selain agama Islam, maka sekali-kali tidaklah akan diterima (agama itu) daripadanya, dan dia di akhirat termasuk orang-orang yang rugi.” (QS Ali Imran; 85).


Kita hari ini, mengaku diri kita, Islam, Mukmin dan sebagainya, konon pada kita, kita adalah yang benar. Terpedaya rupanya kita dengan wayangan yang dimainkan oleh Iblis yang bersultan di sanobari. Ingatlah wahai saudara-saudaraku, jihad yang terlebih besar adalah jihad memerangai nafsu. Dan hari ini, aku berpesan kepada diri ku dan dirimu, bahawa lafaz baginda rasul ini, ku lafazkan sekali lagi dengan dua Furuq takrifan yang membawa kepada kebahagian akhirat. Ingatlah wahai saudara-saudaraku, Tiada Yang Lain Hanyalah Allah, Muhammad Itu Pesuruh Allah.



Firman Allah di dalam kitabun mubin:-



Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin (mu); sebahagian mereka adalah pemimpin bagi sebahagian yang lain. Barangsiapa di antara kamu mengambil mereka menjadi pemimpin, maka sesungguhnya orang itu termasuk golongan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang zhalim.” (QS Al-Maaidah: 51).


“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu jadikan bapak-bapak dan saudara-saudaramu pemimpin-pemimpinmu, jika mereka lebih mengutamakan kekafiran atas keimanan dan siapa di antara kamu yang menjadikan mereka pemimpin-pemimpinmu, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim. (QS At-Taubah: 23).


Jelas hari ini, nafsu meneroka melandasi jembatan agama demi kepentingan peribadi dan tuntutan hawa syaitaniah. Bagai musang berbulu ayam, ayat-ayat suci di sulam dengan kotoran. Berhujah, berdebat, berceramah bagaikan malaikat yang diturun membawa rahmat, tetapi rupa-rupanya kosong umpama kalkatu yang mengejar cahaya rambulan. Perangi dirimu wahai saudaraku akan nafsu yang keji di dalam diri mu itu. Perangi juga akan dirimu akan nafsu yang keji yang merajakan syaitan di alam zahiriah. Ingatlah kata-kataku ini agar dirimu dan diriku tidak sesat selama-lamanya. Islam itu dibina atas keringat dan air mata. Darah syuhada yang tertumpah tidak terbayar hingga ke hari ini. Kita mengecapi nikmat Islam dan Iman tanpa apa-apa pengorbanan. Bagai desir di angin lalu, agama langit ini kita letak di bawah telapak kaki yang kotor dengan kemungkaran.


Firman Allah lagi:-


Kebenaran itu adalah dari Tuhanmu, sebab itu jangan sekali-kali kamu termasuk orang-orang yang ragu.”(QS Al-Baqarah: 147).


Maka tidak ada sesudah kebenaran itu, melainkan kesesatan. Maka bagaimanakah kamu dipalingkan (dari kebenaran)?”(QS Yunus:32)


Kita tidak sedar walau seribu abid, syuhada, muallimun datang memperingat kita. Pun jua kita tidak akan bangkit walaupun pada kala ini Nabi tercegat di depan mata kita. Kita lupa lantaran buta akan cahaya kebenaran. Kita lupa kerana tiadanya Mukasyfatul Qulub. Maka dengan itu, ku peringatkan kedua kalinya, Tiada Nyata Hanyalah Allah, Muhammad Pesuruh Allah. Hidupkanlah kembali wahai saudara-saudaraku akan nyawa kamu yang telah mati itu. Kita teguhkan kembali janji kita sebagaimana dahulu untuk berjuang dilandasan Allah dan Rasul. Marilah kita sama-sama bersatu hati, jiwa, tenaga mengembalikan Islam kepuncaknya walau nyawa kita sebagai cagarannya. Usah tangguh lagi saudaraku, Quran ini sudah terlalu usang didadamu, hembuskanlah Ruh keinsafan dan bersama kita mengorak langkah kepada kehidupan yang kekal abadi.



9th July 2008

23 Responses to “Asal dan Usul”

  1. 1 bojourn July 10, 2008 at 8:02 am

    suffian hamzah
    http://nil | |

    kepada penulis,saya amat kagum dengan semangat yg ada pada diri anda,rasa2nya sudah bersedia ke islam di luar sana,atau masih menunggu hari yg sesuai.kerana untuk bergerak kita memerlukan akal dan fikiran yg cukup bijak untuk mengatur setiap langkah,sepatutnya kita duduk berbincang kalau kita sudah bersedia untuk bergerak.

  2. 2 ali mohd July 17, 2008 at 7:45 am

    Persoalan bersedia itu suara perkara yang susah untuk di sukat. Apa pun, apakah tujuan penulis merapu sebegini rupa haruslah dikenal pasti niatnya. Sekarang pelbagai macam persoalan keagamaan timbul bagai cendawan tumbuh. Adakah blog ini salah satu di antaranya? Penulis itu sendiri kenal kah dia akan asal usul dirinya atau hanya syok sendiri?

  3. 3 Megat Mangku Alam Ibn Ahmad Malikul Adeel Al-Jawi July 18, 2008 at 6:56 pm

    Merapu atau meracau boleh kau labelkan apa sahaja, tetapi itulah hakikat akan mereka yang telah dipalingkan hatinya dari jalan kebenaran dan cuba melepas akan dirinya dari takdir Sunnatullah Wa Rosulihi…..

  4. 4 PANGLIMA BUMI SAKTI August 5, 2008 at 8:51 pm


  5. 5 Naga Berapi August 6, 2008 at 9:15 am

    Cakap mengenal itu memanglah mudah. Tetapi betulkah kamu kenal betul-betul kepada YANG EMPUNYA pengenalan itu. Cakap jer lebih. Syaitan itu di mana wahai panglima bumi sakti? Syaitan di dalam diri tidakkah kamu melihatnya?

    Kepada megat mangku: Kenapa anda berdiam diri? Sudah kecutkah perut kamu dengan jawapan2 yang di keluarkan di sini?

    kepada ali mohd: Dia merapu kerana pening bersuluk lah tu agaknya. Gewang mcm mabuk kecubung.

  6. 6 Pendekar Semerah Padi August 6, 2008 at 10:23 am

    Habis apa mahumu naga berapi..

  7. 7 Pendekar Semerah Padi August 6, 2008 at 11:03 am

    Hang ni pn ali ok le tu penulis blog mengingatkan kita minta bersatu dan berhati2 dalam kehidupan dunia.apa yang salahnya kata2 surya kencana.perlu apa susah utk disukat.tidakkah cukup mata dan telinga itu sebagai saksi atas kepincangan yang berlaku?tidakkah suara hati itu boleh dipandu oleh akal mana yg betul mana yang salah.sampai bila mahu bersedia kalau pemikiran negetif yang selalu tergambar dan terluah?kalau salah tolong tunjukkan,bukan dilemahkan hujah itu..tapi sekiranya betul tolong sambut.kalau tidak masakan umat ini begitu lemah sekali sedangkan agamanya begitu hebat.

  8. 8 panglima bumi sakti August 7, 2008 at 5:49 pm

    bro naga sakti.
    pancaindera apa yg den pakai sampai nampak syaitan dlm diri den.
    munkin den ada mata mcm six million dollar man.kalau den org beriman syaitan tentu takut dgn den apa lagi nak duduk dlm diri den.
    org yg tak beriman lah syaitan suka.munkin den salah seorang daripada
    gulungan itu.bukan menuduh tapi den yg kata begitu.bertaubat lah.jgn jadi sahabat syaitan.neraka jahanam lah tempatnya.itu janji allah.maka dari itu saya nasihatkan pada den dekatilah diri kepada allah dgn beramal salleh supaya den tak akan nampak syaitan lagi didalam diri .
    kalau den tak jumpa jalan insyallah kerjakan salat malam sambil bermohon kepada allah yang menguasai sekian alam /pasti allah akan tunjukkan jalan kebenaran .buat selalu nanti pasti den tak nampak syaitan lagi dlm diri den. insyallah

  9. 9 Megat Mangku Alam Ibn Ahmad Malikul Adeel Al-Jawi August 8, 2008 at 6:42 am

    Buat saudara saudara ku, sekali lagi jejari ini berlari mengutusi jiwa mu dan jiwa ku dengan Ayatul Shifa’ bercermin peringatan bagi menyingkap tabir asal dan usul yang mana dengannya aku memperingatkan diri mu dan diriku bahwa sahnya telah Allah Ta’ala itu berfirman ‘Wama halaqtul jinna wal insa illa liyaqbuddun’. Bicara akan asal menyusur mencari usul tidak akan berhenti diperhujahkan oleh tuan tuan semua yang mempunyai ilmu di dada. Bertingkah pena, bersilang kalam bergarap bimbingan, namun titik petemuan tidak bertemua jua. Oleh yang demikian, kita fokuskan sahaja perbicaraan kita akan hujungnya melepasi kejadian asal dan usul. Dari mana kita dan hendak kemanakah kita?

    Rata-rata mencari redha Allah. Rata-rata mencari syurga Allah. Rata-rata mencari akan kenal erti diri. Rata-rata mencari Assirotul Haq – jalan yang Haq. Rata-rata meraba, teraba dan diraba dengan ulikan bayangan Syaitaniah. Lalu mereka terpana, tersungkur lantas lupa sumpah dan janji yang di meteri dahulu ‘Alastu Birobbikum; Qolu Bala… SyahidNa!’. Inilah dia saudaraku, Nabi s.a.w lebih kenal akan DIRI NYA dari sesiapa jua yang hidup pada hari ini. Tidaklah kita melihat dan mengambil iktibar daripada perjalanan sirah beliau. Di Makkatul Mukaramah, Ilmu Tauhid di titipkan, di baji dengan baji Iman yang tidak teralah dengan apa jua Ujian. Berhijrah Baginda ke Madinatul Munawwarah, di binanya gelombang Daulah Islamiyah yang hingga kini menjadi tanda walau telah melalui beberapa kejatuhan di zaman kemuncak yang terdahulu. Ini lah sirah yang tidak ternafi walau sebagaimana tinggi ilmu seseorang itu.

    Ayyuhal Insan. Layakkan dirimu ku panggil Insan andai kamu tidak mengenal anasir dirimu. Seseungguhnya pesanan ku buat mu dan buat diri tidak lain hanyalah kerana menyahut seruan bagi memberi peringatan sesama saudara sebagaimana tertera firman Allah ‘Wazzakkir Fainna Zikra Tanfa’ul Mukminin’. Sudah mukmin kah kita andai asal dan usul masih lagi cacah merba. Mukmin kah kita andai masih lagi kita menafi Sirah Nabi yang mulia. Ku gantung tinta, hingga ketemu di lain waktu.

    8th August 2008

  10. 10 WALI KOTA 10 August 8, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    Wahai saudaraku Surya Kencana. Teruskan perjuangan mu. Jgn kau lelah di tengah jalan sudah.

  11. 11 ali mohd August 13, 2008 at 2:53 pm

    Surya Kencana, jangan asyik nak bercerita bab ilmu. Intinya mana? Hujung cerita bani jawi ni mau di bawa ke mana?

  12. 12 Putera Pagar Ruyung August 23, 2008 at 7:22 am

    Bukan salah bungo limbayuang
    Salah dek banda mangulito
    Bukan salah bundo manganduang
    Salah dek badan nan buruak pinto
    (Bukan salah bunga lembayung
    salahnya bamban manggelita
    bukan salah bunda mengandung
    salahnya badan yang buruk pinta)

    “Kalau dibalun sabalun kuku
    Kalau dibantang saleba alam
    Walau sagadang bijo labu
    Bumi jo langik ado didalam”

    (Kalau digumpal sekecil kuku
    kalau dibentang selebar alam
    Walau sebesar biji labu
    Bumi dan langit ada di dalam).

    “Kalimaia ditimpo batin
    Mati ditimpo galo-galo
    Dalam laia ado babatin
    Dalam batin bakulimaik pulo

    (Kelemayar ditimpa batin
    mati ditimpa gala-gala
    dalam lahir ada berbatin
    dalam batin berkelipit pula).

    “mancancang indak mamutuihkan
    manikam indak manabuak-i
    mangauik indak mangameh-an
    mangaruak indak mahabih-i”

    (mencencang tidak memutuskan
    menikam tidak menembus
    meraup tidak mengemasi
    mengeruk tidak menghabisi).

    Apa jua yang kamu lakukan atau bicarakan, gunakanah hemah yang terpuji…. “fabima rahmatin min Allah, lintalahum …” , artinya dengan rahmat Allah dan kelembutan….

    Nenda ku juga berpesan:-
    “kok bakato paliharokan lidah
    kok maliek paliharo mato,
    mandanga paliharokan talingo
    malenggang paliharokan tangan
    bajalan paliharokan kaki
    ingek rantiang nan ka malato
    dahan nan ka manimpo”

    (jika berkata peliharakan lidah
    bila melihat pelihara mata,
    mendengar pelihara telinga
    melenggang pelihara tangan
    ingat ranting yang akan melata
    dahan yang akan menimpa)

    Sambutlah salam persaudaraan dan bersama kita menegakkan daulah islam serta mengembalikannya semula ke tempat yang sepatutnya. Akhirul Kalam… Pesan agama menyatakan, “fal yaqul khairan aw liyashmuth” artinya berucaplah yang baik atau kalau tidak ada lagi yang baik itu, lebih baik diam.

    -From Bukit Tinggi with Love-
    Raden Roho Arya Ari Ardhi Wijaya

  13. 13 WALI KOTA 10 August 28, 2008 at 2:02 pm



    Akal dan Nafsu

    Wednesday, May 24, 2006

    Dalam sebuah kitab karangan ‘Ustman bin Hasan bin Ahmad Asy-Syaakir Alkhaubawiyi, seorang ulama yang hidup dalam abad ke XIII Hijrah, menerangkan bahwa sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T. telah menciptakan akal, maka Allah S.W.T telah berfirman yang bermaksud : “Wahai akal menghadaplah engkau.” Maka akal pun menghadap kehadapan Allah S.W.T., kemudian Allah S.W.T berfirman yang bermaksud : “Wahai akal berbaliklah engkau!”, lalu akal pun berbalik.

    Kemudian Allah S.W.T. berfirman lagi yang bermaksud : “Wahai akal! Siapakah aku?”. Lalu akal pun berkata, “Engkau adalah Tuhan yang menciptakan aku dan aku adalah hamba-Mu yang dhaif dan lemah.”

    Lalu Allah S.W.T berfirman yang bermaksud : “Wahai akal tidak Ku-ciptakan makhluk yang lebih mulia daripada engkau.”

    Setelah itu Allah S.W.T menciptakan nafsu, dan berfirman kepadanya yang bermaksud : “Wahai nafsu, menghadaplah kamu!”. Nafsu tidak menjawab sebaliknya mendiamkan diri. Kemudian Allah S.W.T berfirman lagi yang bermaksud : “Siapakah engkau dan siapakah Aku?”. Lalu nafsu berkata, “Aku adalah aku, dan Engkau adalah Engkau.”

    Setelah itu Allah S.W.T menyiksanya dengan neraka jahim selama 100 tahun, dan kemudian mengeluarkannya. Kemudian Allah S.W.T. berfirman yang bermaksud : “Siapakah engkau dan siapakah Aku?”. Lalu nafsu berkata, “Aku adalah aku dan Engkau adalah Engkau.”

    Lalu Allah S.W.T. menyiksa nafsu itu dalam neraka Juu’ selama 100 tahun. Setelah dikeluarkan maka Allah S.W.T. berfirman yang bermaksud : “Siapakah engkau dan siapakah Aku?”. Akhirnya nafsu mengakui dengan berkata, ” Aku adalah hamba-Mu dan Kamu adalah tuhanku.”

    Dalam kitab tersebut juga diterangkan bahwa dengan sebab itulah maka Allah S.W.T. mewajibkan puasa.

    Dalam kisah ini dapatlah kita mengetahui bahawa nafsu itu adalah sangat jahat oleh karena itu hendaklah kita mengawal nafsu itu, jangan biarkan nafsu itu mengawal kita, sebab kalau dia yang mengawal kita maka kita akan menjadi musnah.

    =========== END OF ATTACHMENT =====


    *p/s: Kemana perginya kamu wahai Megat Mangku Alam?

  14. 14 panglima bumi sakti August 31, 2008 at 7:00 pm

    Askum saudara megat.
    saya tertarik dgn pandangan saudara itu dan saya dapati bahawa
    saudara mempunyai ilmu tentang bab ketuhanan.
    saya ada pertanyaan dan berharap saudara boleh jelaskan
    1)perlukah kita mengharapkan balasan syurga kalau kita sudah menyatakkan redha kepada allah.

    2)diri yg mana yg harus kita cari.
    3)haq yg mana yg harus kita tuntut.
    4)perjanjian apa yg telah kita buat sebelum kita bi turunkan di muka bumi ini.
    5)seharusnya menjadi insan yg sebagaimana yg bi kehendaki oleh allah

    Tentang sirah nabi pula bagi saya tak guna setakat di ingati sja.kita
    harus jadikan panduan dan melaksanakan serta melakukkannya.kalau tak mampu yang besar yang kecil pun syukur allhamdullillah.

    saya rasa saudara mengantung tinta kerana menunaikan umrah atau bersolok.kalau benar sangkaan saya ini,saya doakan agar allah memberikan taufik dan hidayah kepada saudara agar dpt saudara menerangkan pertanyaan2 saya yg diatas tadi.


  15. 15 panglima bumi sakti August 31, 2008 at 7:21 pm

    kepada sdr ruyong.
    pantun mu kelam mcm dirumah cuma pakai sebatang lilin sja.skg ni org udah pakai lampu neon.kalau ada ilmu itu jgn disimpan dlm dari keturunan PAGAR RUYUNG tidak pelit tentang ilmu lebih2 lagi ilmu
    kebenaran dari allah.

    saudara ali.
    gua ingat lu ni mcm tong kosong.orang boyan kata anggek.jgn malukkan org spore lah.COME ON WAKE UP. give some idea jgn nak hentam org sja.
    sorry to say that.

  16. 16 panglima bumi sakti August 31, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    askum wali.
    Jgn SESEKALI salah sebutan dlm mentafsirkan ilmu allah.kita memerlukkan nafsu utk kita berada di atas muka bumi ini.ALLAH
    memasukkan ROH/AKAL/NAFSU dan hati kedalam diri kita.maka itu saya katakan disini bahawa nafsu itu tidak jahat.contoh(kalau lu udah nggak ada nafsu makan ,apa akan terjadi pda lu)lu jawab lah sendiri.
    Jadi kesimpulannya jgn mengikut nafsu sampai melampauhi batas.gunakan akal untuk control nafsu.(allah menggunakan nafsu utk menguji kamu dan akal utk menunjukkan jalan kebenaran).
    cuba fikirkan adakah nafsu itu jahat.wallah huakllam bissawab.

  17. 17 WALI KOTA 10 September 2, 2008 at 6:41 am

    Halo Mr Panglima. Gue salah sebutan atau kamu salah membaca? Bacalah dengan Menyebut Nama Tuhan Mu sebagai mana yang di tulis oleh Putera Pagar Ruyung. BUkan kamu sahaja independent, gua juga pun saorang aja. Kamu mau bicara bab hati ya Panglima? Makam Tujuh (7) di dalam diri kamu apakah sudah kamu sucikan? Lagi mau ngomong. Ya udah deh. Usah ngomong tong kosong Mr Panglima, lagi kamu mau bawa itu contoh makan nasik, itu sudah almaklum dan dimengerti. Mengapa maunya berbelit kamu berbicara? Lu lagi mau guna Akal ya, ngak pernah kamu merenung di antara Akal dan Hati mana satu yang lebih KUAT pengaruhnya.

    Tidakkan kamu ingat ini…. ‘Di dalam tubuh Anak Adam, ada seketul daging, apabila baik ianya…. maka…. dan apa apabila jahat ianya… maka….’ akhirul hadits….

    Kamo pernah dengar ngak yang di atas? Lagi mau bicara akan akal; akal itu yang akan menjahanamkan kamu.

  18. 18 Kuntau Alam September 29, 2008 at 8:24 am

    As Salam Walaikum,

    It might be a repost, however I think we can read it again and again as its a very powerful khutbah..

    The historic Khutbah of Sheikh Ali Abd-ur-Rahman al-Hudhaifi, Imaam of Masjid-e-Nabavi 15th Dhu-l-Qadah, 1418 Hijri / 13th March 1998 (In Masjid Nabawi)

    All praise is for Allah, the Sustainer of the entire universe, Lord of all worlds. He enlightened the hearts of His Aulia with divine guidance and strength of belief, and provided strength to their perception with the luminance of Wahi. Whomsoever He desired He guided to the right path, whoever He wanted, in His wisdom, He led astray. Thus did the hearts of the Kuffar and Munafiqeen become blind to accepting the light of Truth, and Allah Ta’ala’s entire argument was established over all His creatures.

    I offer praise to my Rabb, and such gratitude which is worthy of His Being and magnificent sovereignty. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, He is One and Only and has no partner; that He is Master of the Day of Qiyamah.

    And I bear witness that our Prophet and leader Muhammad SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam is His bondsman and Messenger, leader of all the ancients and the moderns. He was sent forth with the Holy Qur’an as a blessing for the Muslim, a bearer of glad tidings to them.

    O Allah! Send Durood and Salaam, shower blessings upon your Bondsman and Messenger, Muhammad SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam, upon his descendants, Ashaab and Tabi`een.

    Amma-Ba`ad. O Muslims, fear Allah. Fear Allah as is His due. Hold fast to the strong bond of Islam.

    O people of Allah! Without doubt Allah Ta`ala’s greatest blessing upon man is his true faith. Through it Allah Ta`ala brings to life the dead hearts of the Kuffar, bestows the light of Imaan to the blind led astray. Allah Ta`ala says: “Can he who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a Light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out?” (6:122).

    And He further says: “Is then one who doth know that that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the Truth, like one who is blind? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.” (13:19)

    Allah Ta`ala’s Deen in the Heavens and the Earth, for the ancients and the moderns is only the Deen-e-Islam. The orders of Sharee`ah were different for every prophet. Every prophet was given those orders which were appropriate for their particular Ummah. In His divine knowledge and wisdom, whichever order He thought proper, He cancelled, which ever one He wanted He retained. But when He sent down the Prince among men, SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam He made null and void all previous Sharee`ahs, and bound all men and Jinn (spirits) to render obedience to him. Allah Ta`ala says: Say: “O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of Allah, to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but He: it is He that giveth both life and death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, who believeth in Allah and His words: follow him that so ye may be guided.” (7:158)

    And it is a saying of the Holy Prophet SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam: “By Him in whose hands is the soul of Muhammad, every Jew or Christian of this age who hears my call and yet dies without believing me, shall be one of the people of Jahannam.”

    Thus anyone who does not believe in RasoolulLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam, will burn in Jahannam forever. Allah Ta`ala does not accept any other Deen than Islam. In the Holy desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost all spiritual good (3:85). As Allah Ta`ala sent His Prophet SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam with such a Sharee`at which is the choicest, the most excellent, with a Deen which is complete in every respect, He has included in it all the basic principles which had been sent down upon all the earlier prophets. Thus He says: “The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah-that which We have sent by inspiration to thee-and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus; namely that ye should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: To those who worship other things than Allah, hard is the way to which thou callest them. Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who return to Him.” (42:13)

    The followers of the Jews and the Christians know for sure that the Deen of Muhammad SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam is the true Deen, but jealousy with the Muslims, arrogance, lone of wealth, selfish desires are a barrier between them and Islam. Moreover even before the descent of Muhammad SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam, the Christians and Jews had altered their heavenly books, and completely changed their religion. Thus they remain, firm upon their Kufr, led astray from the right path.

    After a brief introduction of Haq and Batil, for us Muslims, this movement which has been started to bring closer together different religious, is a very painful thing. It is not to our liking too the invitation being extended by those ‘intellectuals’ who are not even acquainted with the basic and essential doctrines of Islam.

    Especially now when wars are being fought on the basis of religion and all advantages are connected with it, such movements and invitations are even more dangerous for Islam and the Muslims.

    Without doubt Islam invites the Jews and Christians to save themselves from Jahannam (Hell) and enter Jannah (Paradise); renounce Batil and accept Islam.

    Allah Ta`ala says: ‘Say : O People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we at least are Muslims, bowing to Allah’s Will”. (3:64).

    Islam gives permission to the Christians and Jews to continue upon their religion but only if they remain subordinated to Islam; pay Jizyah to the Muslims and keep the peace. Islam does not force the Christians and Jews to become Muslims, as in the Holy Qur’an it is said: “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error.” (2:256).

    Islam is pure toleration and a well-wisher of all humanity. It does state that the Deen of the Jews and Christians is Batil so that whoever wishes to embrace Islam can do so, and whoever so desires can remain a Kafir. If the Jews, Christians and Mushrikeen are willing to accept Islam, then it will embrace them.

    They will as brothers to the Muslims, for Islam does not admit of any prejudice on the basis of race or colour. History itself is a witness to this fact and furthermore Allah Ta`ala announces: “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you.”

    As to the question of a joining between Islam, Christianity and Judaism that is simply impossible.

    Allah Ta`ala Himself says: “The blind and the seeing are not like; nor are the depths of Darkness and the Light; nor are the chilly shade and the genial heat of the Sun: nor are alike those that are living and those that are dead. Allah can make any that He wills to hear; but thou canst not make those to hear who are buried in the graves.” (35:19-22).

    In the same way is this notion wrong that the Muslims should relinquish some of the Islamic tenets, ignore or show apathy towards them, in order to incline the Jews and Christians towards them; or that the Muslims should befriend them in order to bring them closer to Islam. A true Muslim can never do so.

    Allah Ta`ala says: Thou will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Day of Qiyamah, loving those who resist Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred. (58:22)

    In short, there is no connection, no relationship between the Muslims and the Kuffar. In spite of this, Islam does not allow any Muslim to be cruel to the Kuffar. Islam has bound the Muslims to be just and fair to them too. On the other hand a Muslim has been ordered to defend his faith, to hear enmity towards Batil, and not only that, but make efforts the break its strength. This distinction between Islam and Kufr can only be achieved by holding fast to the fundamentals and beliefs of Islam. By persevering upon faith and strictly adhering to the orders of Islam, can the Muslims prosper in the world and thereby by protect, safeguard their honour and their rights. Right or Haq can be established, Batil can be identified as Batil only through perseverance upon Deen. The campaign which has been started to unite different religious, is not only against the spirit of Islam but will land the Muslims into terrible trouble and misfortune. The disastrous results of such a movement will be disastrous weakening of Imaan, interpolation of beliefs, friendship with the enemies of Allah Ta`ala. Allah Ta`ala has ordered those of the Islamic faith to be friends of one another only. He says: “The Believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another (9:71).

    While, the Kuffar, they may belong to any group have been designated as friends of each other by Him: “The unbelievers are protectors, one of another: unless ye do this, (protect each other), there would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief.” The famous Mufassir Imaam Ibne-Kathir RahimahulLahu Ta`ala has interpreted it in this way: If you do not adopt separation from the Kuffar, and befriend the Muslims a great mischief will be caused among the people. ‘Mischief’, here means the intermingling of the Muslims with the Kuffar, and of the truth becoming doubtful. Thus a mixing of the Muslims and Kuffar will lead to a mischief of great magnitude.

    Allah Ta`ala says: O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. (6:54)

    How can there be any similarity, any bond between Islam and Yahudiyyat, (the Jewish faith) when Islam is exceptional, with its purity, light, brilliance, nobility, justice, toleration, magnanimity, high morality, equally for man or Jinn, and Yahudiyyat is, a collection of materialism and narrow-mindedness, bears malice towards humanity, is steeped in moral degradation, greed and covetousness.

    So how can there be any link between Islam and Yahudiyyat?

    Can any Muslim tolerate the aspersion cast upon the pious, pure character of Hadhrat Maryam `Alayhissalam by the Jews?

    Can the Muslims bear the presence of the Jews who call `Esa `Alayhissalam (Christ) the son of a whore?

    Na`oozubilLah. Allah forbid! And on this account how can there be any link between the Holy Qur’an and Talmud, the holy book of the Satanish Jews?

    Similarly there is no similarity between Christianity and Islam. Islam is a pure and clean religion believing in the oneness of Allah, in Tawheed. It is pure justice and a blessing. It is complete Sharee`ah, the revealed law. Whereas Christianity is a deviation from the right path. The misled Christians hold the belief of Trinity Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Christianity claims that Christ is God and the son of God.

    And how can there be reconciliation between the Ahlus Sunnah and Shia. The Ahlus Sunnah are those who learnt and protected the Quran al Kareem, who preserved and protected the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallem), those whom Allah Taala has used to protect His deen, and they made jihad in the way of Islam, And history bears ample testimony to this.

    The Raafidhah (shiahs) are those that curse the Sahaabah and attempt to destroy Islam. The Sahaabah Radhiyallahu Anhum are those that transmitted the Deen to us. If we had to cast aspirations at the integrity of the Sahaabah, it will imply the destruction of the Deen.

    How can there be a reconciliation between the Ahlus Sunnah and the Raafidhah (shiahs) while they swear and abuse the three Khulafaa ur Raashidah. If they had any intelligence then they would realise that their abuse is in fact an abuse of Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Abu Bakr and Umar Radhiyallahu anhuma are the father-in-laws of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa sallam. They were his close confidants during his lifetime, and are his close neighbours after his demise. Who can achieve this honour? Who can achieve this honour? They took part in Jihaad with Rasulullah alayhi wa sallam in all the Jihaad campaigns. These facts should be sufficient to dispel the false accusations of the shiahs.

    Uthmaan Radhiyallahu anhu was husband to two of the daughters of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah Ta’ ala will not choose for his beloved Rasool except the best of men, and the best of companions. This was the relationship between Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the three Khulafaa ur Raahideen. He never said that these three are the enemies of Islam, and never warned against these three, as the shiahs claim.

    If fact swearing at these three is an attack against Ali Radhiyallahuanhu. Ali Radhiyallahuanhu gave Abu Bakr Radhiyallahuanhu the Bait (oath of allegiance) in the Masjid (openly), and he (Ali Radhiyallahu anhu) got his daughter Ummu Kulthoom married to Umar Radhiyallahuanhu, he took the bait at the hands of Uthmaan Radhiyallahuanhu, was his minister, close friend and beloved one.

    Would Ali Radhiyallahuanhu give his daughter to a kaafir, or would he give the ba’it to a kaafir. Subhaanallah, this is indeed a great slander.

    Their curse of Mu’aawiyah Radhiyallahuanhu is in fact an attack against Hassan Radhiyallahuanhu, who accepted the khalifate of Mu’aawiyah Radhiyallahuanhu, and whom many prominent Sahaabah accepted. Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praised him on many occasions. Would the grandson of Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accept the khalifate of a kaafir? Subhaanallah, this is indeed a great slander.

    When they say that Ali and Hassan Radhiyallahuanhuma were forced to do so, it displays their (shiahs’) lack of intelligence. This is an insult to the two of them, a most vile insult.

    And how is it that they curse Ummul Mu’mineen ‘ A’ishah Radhiyallahuanha, whereas Allah Ta’ala declares in the Qur’aan that she is Ummul Mu’mineen (Mother of the Believers).

    Allah Ta’ala says: The Prophet has a greater right over the Mu’mineen than they have over themselves, and his Wives are their (the Mu’muneen’s) Mothers.

    Therefore there is no doubt that those who curse her, she is not a mother unto them (they are not Mu’mineen). Would any person curse his own mother? Rather he would love her dearly.

    How can there ever be a reconciliation between the Ahlus Sunnah and the Raafidhah (shiahs), when they believe Khomeini, the imaam of deviation, to be sinless. They assert that he is the deputy of their concocted Mahdi. Since they regard their imaams to be sinless, and in the absence of the principle, the deputy has the same status, they assert Khomeini to be sinless…

    And one form of Baatil only assists another. And one form of Baatil only assists another.

    And the Ahle Bait are free and absolved from their (shiah’s) beliefs. The proofs substantiating the falsehood of the beliefs of the shiahs are innumerable.

    As for as we, the Ahlus Sunnah, are concerned, we will not draw closer to them a hairs breath, or even less. They are a greater harm to Islam then even the Yahood and Nasaarah. It is incumbent on all Muslims to be wary of and on guard against them.

    Allah Ta’ ala says: They are your enemies, so beware of them. Allah Ta’ala declares war against them. Where are they deviating.

    The shiahs are the followers of Ibn Saba, the yahoodi, and of Abu Lu’lu-ah, the majoosi (fire-worshiper). Thus, O Muslims, it is necessary for us to distinguish our Aqeedah, and to love those whom Allah Ta’ala loves, and hate that which Allah Ta’ala hates, to bring about unity amongst the Muslims, to be one strong united hand. The enemies of Islam have united in their false beliefs to fight against Islam. This applies whether the enemies are of old or new.

    Allah Ta`ala says: “Never will the Jews and Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion.”

    And He says: “And they will go on fighting you until they turn you away from your faith if they could.”

    Thus the only reason for the creation of a Jewish, Zionist state in Palestine was to start an armed conflict with the Muslims and thus create tension and terror in the region. After they had succeeded in creating Israel, the Jewish colonial powers then set in motion such basic and collective plans which are a cause of deep pain for the Muslims even till to-day. Among these the major plan was to bring about a dissolution of all Shara`ee courts from the Islamic countries and establish non-Islamic, man-made laws in their place. To a large extent the Kuffar succeed in their aim. But praise be to Allah Ta`ala, that the Saudi government did not fall a prey to this conspiracy and there still exist many Sharee`ah courts in the country. Today, amongst all the Muslim governments of the world, the government of Saudi Arabia is the only representative, model Islamic government.

    After succeeding in bringing about an end to all Islamic, Shara`ee courts in most of the Muslim countries, the Jews and Christians launched a new plan in order to find an excuse for military intervention in the area.

    An insidious movements was started and such anti-Islamic, atheistic ideas and beliefs as those of insurrection, Communism, nationalism were instilled in the minds of the people. These consequently gave birth to such military tyrants as Saddam Husayn.

    An open armed conflict with holy Sharee`ah thus began. All the means at their disposal were brought upon to bear and the voices of Haq crushed mercilessly. The conspiracies of the Kuffar bore fruit and thousands of families migrated to the western countries.

    The countries which had become victims of military rule, became weaker and weaker in faith, in Deen, due to Western influences. In these countries, every succeeding government blamed the previous government for the havoc and destruction in the country. (May Allah Ta`ala protect us). And today conditions in some countries have declined to such an extent that offering Salat Ba-Jama`at is now considered to be a crime there. Lahaula Wala Quwwata.

    When such are the conditions how can one even think of Allah Ta`ala divine assistance of religious honour and dignity?

    With the establishment of a Jewish state, destruction of all Shara`ee courts in the Islamic countries and their replacement by non-Islamic, man-made system of law, circulation and formulation of groups and beliefs inimical and contrary to Islam, and as a result the emergence of such people as Saddam, the stage was no set for the super powers to act upon their basic conspiracies. To pave the way for a military intervention they purposely created a fake crisis. They were already in control of the economies of the region.

    It is now no longer a secret that the great powers are planning upon dividing the land of Arabia into smaller states constantly at war with each other. For this will consolidate the forces of Kufr, provide protection for their anti-Islamic beliefs and deeds.

    Remember, that the world powers are the sworn enemies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as it is the greatest centre of Islam, a fort of the Muslims. All the governments of the Kuffar are bent upon destroying it. In fact the forces of Kufr have now all united against Islam and the Muslims. None of these countries can any longer be trusted. Specially so, as American and Britain are now openly threatening the kingdom’s survival and safety. Thus their blatant enmity, evil intentions, destructive aims for Saudi Arabia have now become clear, are now common knowledge.

    America! it would do well for you to remember that Saudi Arabia is no alone. All the Muslims of the world, from east to west, are united in the Defence of the holy land, the last centre of the Muslims.

    The evil intentions & aims of the world powers are:


    To strengthen and fortify the Zionist, Jewish state of Israel.

    To tear down Al-Aqsa Mosque and build a synagogue in its place, thus satisfying the ancient desire of the Jews.

    To maintain the military supremacy of the Jews over the Muslim Arab countries.

    To appropriate a major part of the oil-wealth of the Gulf States for themselves, leaving the Saudis with the residue only.

    To deal a death-blow to Islam at the slightest provocation.

    To promote everything which is against Islam, which destroys the least morals and virtues bestowed by Islam, and which would cause the Islamic states to be constantly at war with each other.

    O Muslim! you should learn a lesson from Turkey where the accursed Kamal Ataturk established a secular form of government and forcefully subjected the Turks to an irreligious, heathenish system. Not only was the Islamic system discarded but the Islamic principles were fiercely opposed on every front. So much so that even today the government there is inimical to the Muslims. It has made military pacts with the Jews. In spite of all efforts by the Turkish government to carry their favour, the Kuffar are willing to tolerate the Turkish government only as long as it remains subservient and in service of the Jews. Turkey sacrificed everything, its religion, its principles for the Christian and Jews but none of the European countries are even now willing to let it join the European Union.

    Why? What is Turkey’s crime? Only that it once was an Islamic centre.

    O Muslims! Let Turkey be a moral to you. Be sure that you may renounce as many Islamic principles as you like but the Kuffar will never be pleased with you. So instead of trying to gain their favour you should adhere to your own religion. Remember, that this enmity of the Kuffar is based upon nothing else but Islam. If this was not so, tell me why are the people of Iraq suffering under sanctions for the last six years?

    What is the crime of the poor Iraqi people except that they are Muslims? As far as Saddam and the ruling party are concerned, the sanctions have not effected them the least bit. The world powers justify these cruel sanctions against Iraq by saying that it violated a UN resolution. Iraq violated only one, but the Jewish enemies have violated sixty UN resolutions. It has not even signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, although this area is a veritable volcano and cannot bear the accumulation of weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Husayn cannot be absolved of all responsibility too. He is equally to blame for the atrocities committed against the people of Iraq, for he only complies with the wishes of the enemies of Islam. He does whatever they wish him to.

    I am warning America to stop interfering in the affairs of our region. As far as the security of the region is concerned it is the responsibility of the Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia, itself and not of America. America, be not proud of your power. It is a Sunnah of Allah Ta`ala that whenever the weak were oppressed, the powerful oppressors were destroyed. Allah Ta`ala Himself causes their destruction. America must not therefore be deceived by the apparent helplessness of the Muslims.

    The Americans should learn a lesson from the Muslims of Afghanistan who had started Jihaad against Russia armed with sticks only. They had thus brought about the total destruction of the super power of the day. Remember that technological superiority is not everything. The real power is that of faith, of Imaan.

    The maintenance of peace and security in the Arabian peninsula lies with the governments of Arabia themselves. In fact it is a Fardh upon them to guard their borders. There is no need of foreign intervention.

    In fact these foreign powers which stepped in to save Gulf States are themselves the cause of the dangerous problems, terrible anxieties afflicting the people there. The modus operandi of these powers of Kufr is that wherever there is a crisis, even if it has been created by themselves, they jump in on the pretext of solving it. They propose to be helping the country out of its difficulties but in reality they become a grave danger to it. For, can a wolf ever guard a flock of sheep?

    O people! there is religious enmity between the Muslims and the Kuffar. So how can they be the well-wishes of the Muslims?

    Although America is Christian country yet its reins are in the hands of the Jews. America is powerless. The Jews manipulate it, exploit it for their own purposes. Still, the Muslims cannot tolerate the presence of the American military force in the holy land. They cannot, will not suffer the presence of any power of Kufr in the Arabian peninsula-RasoolulLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam has said, No two religions can remain in Arabia

    The Holy Prophet’s last advice was: Expel the Jews and Christians from the Arab lands

    Thus now when the Jews and Christians have set up military bases in and all around Arabia, it has become a Fardh upon the Muslims to act upon the last order of RasoolulLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam and expel them from the Arab lands.

    O Muslims! Impending doom is threatening you. Offer sincere repentance for your salvation. To save yourself from destruction and ruin repent, offer Taubah, to Allah Ta`ala for all your sins. Because of the sins committed by the people, does ruin and destruction attend upon them. And in repentance lies their deliverance

    O ye, who drank wine and thus disobeyed Allah Ta`ala, repent for your sin, for thus you will, through this Taubah, assist in the reformation of the society.

    O ye, who committed adultery or sodomy, turn to Allah Ta`ala, offer sincere repentance for your disobedience.

    O ye, who disobeyed Allah Ta`ala by using drugs, offer Taubah before Allah, for verily to Him will you return shortly.

    O ye, who committed the disobedience of giving up offering Salaat, repent before the Mighty Allah.

    O ye, who caused a loss to someone’s honour or property, offer Taubah for having been cruel to a Muslim. Seek refuge with Allah Ta`ala.

    Purify your wealth from interest, for because of this evil destruction and wars descend upon a people. In matters of business, sale and purchase keep away from that which is contrary to the orders of the Holy Qur’an, to Sharee`ah. For in this way will all the transactions of a bank correspond to the orders of Islam.

    Call the people towards Allah. Establish firmly D`awah-IlalLah, D`awah-Ilal Islam. Teach Islam to the people. Pay special attention to the Madaris-e-Islamiyyah established in the Muslim countries to provide religious knowledge to the people.

    It is a Fardh upon every Muslim to call others towards Allah, specially so upon the Ulama whose beliefs, knowledge and perseverance can be relied upon; the Ulama who are well-versed in Islamic jurisprudence, to whom people turn for solution of their religious problem.

    O Muslim! avoid those groups which cause division and dissension; avoid the desires and temptations which lead you astray and cause disunity among you. O Muslim! save yourself from the wrath and punishment of Allah Ta`ala. Allah Ta`ala says: “O ye who believe! take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks: they will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin; rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal is for worse. We have made plain to you the signs, if ye have wisdom. Ah! ye are those who love them, but they love you not, though ye believe in the whole of the Book. When they meet you, they say, “We believe,” but when they are alone, they bite off the very tips of their fingers at you in their rage. Say: “Perish in your rage; Allah knoweth well all the secrets of the heart.” If aught that is good befalls you, it grieves them; but if some misfortune overtakes you, they rejoice at it. But if ye constant and do right, not the least harm will their cunning do to you: for Allah compasseth round about all that they do. (3 : 188-120)

    May Allah Ta`ala grant abundance in the Holy Qur’an for you and for me. May He make recitation of the Holy Qur’an and Zikr beneficial for you and for me. May He make following the instructions, copying the characteristics of Rasool-ulLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam profitable for us. I invoke Allah Ta`ala’s forgiveness for myself, for you, for all the Muslims, for all the sins committed by us. All praise is for Allah who is friend to the virtuous. I hear witness that thee is none other than Allah worthy of being worshipped; that He is one and has no partner. It is He who gave honour to the Muslims and dishonoured the Kuffar. And I bear witness that our Prophet and leader Hazrat Muhammad SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam is His bondsman and Messenger; a keeper of promises and trusts. O Allah; bestow upon your Prophet and bondsman, Rasool-ulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam upon his descendants, upon the Sahabah-e-Kiram, your choicest blessings and favours.

    Amma B‘ad! O Muslims! fear Allah Ta`ala. For, He says:

    O ye who believe! give your response to Allah and His Apostle, when He calleth you to that which will give you life; and know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart, and that it is He to whom ye shall all be gathered.And fear tumult or oppression, which affecteth not in particular only those of you who do wrong: and know that Allah is strict in punishment. (8 : 24-25)

    O Muslims! assemble together on the Book of Allah and Sunnah of Rasool-ulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam. Act upon the orders of the Book of Allah, upon the Sunnah of Rasool-ulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam. Every Muslim must turn to Allah, the Most Glorious.

    All Islamic countries must have love for each other, must be each others helpers and supporters. Especially so in the face of the terrible danger which now confronts the Muslim countries. It is the Kuffar’s plan to interfere in the affairs of the Muslims in such a way so as to divide them, alienate them from each other and thus destroy them completely. It is therefore imperative for all the Islamic countries, especially the Gulf States to adopt a policy of mutual support and co-operation. It is essential for the Gulf States not to accept any individual opinion or controversial decision in matters of collective interest. None of the Gulf States should pass any resolution without consulting the Saudi government first; because upon this kingdom depends the existence and continuation of these states. These Gulf countries, after deriving strength from Allah Ta`ala, depend upon Saudi Arabia for their solidarity too.

    The kingdom is a pillar of strength for these states. It is also incumbent upon all these countries not to provide any military bases to the enemies of Allah for strikes upon Iraq. For Allah Ta`ala has created all the Muslims as one single body, and providing bases to the anti-Islamic forces will only cause sufferings to the Muslims of Iraq. Although a solution to the Iraqi problem seems to be imminent, yet the world powers cannot be depended upon not to create a new crisis for the achievement of their own selfish ends. So they must not be allowed to find an ally in the Arabian countries.

    Furthermore the Arabian countries must not allow aircraft carriers of America or any other Kufriah country to use their harbours for launching attacks upon any Muslim country. Nor should they allow the establishment of military bases on their land.

    O Muslim! fear Allah only. It is necessary upon all Islamic and Arab countries to fully co-operate with and assist Saudia Arabia in expelling the anchored war ships and the stationed Christian and Jewish troops from the Arab lands. For, Rasool-ulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam has said:

    Two religions cannot co-exist in Arabia The governments of this region are fully aware of their responsibility and of the necessity to maintain peace. If only it is rendered safe and secure from the interference of the big powers there would remain no danger to its existence.

    O Muslim! Become each other’s helpers and supporters. Be well aware of the fact that these Kuffar are jealous of you. They envy yours your pleasant atmosphere even, for the skies of their cities are polluted with smoke from the factories etc., their places of worship redolent with the evil of their sins, with the depravity of the deeds disliked by Allah. They this grudge you, your every possession. And the greatest thing they are jealous of is your faith, your morals. O people of Allah, fear Him as is His due, and listen to the saying of Rasool-ulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam:

    Very soon, other nations will invite others and fall upon you to attack and destroy you just like people while inviting others, fall upon a disk of food

    The Sahaba-e-Kiraam asked Rasool-ulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam Ya RasoolulLah! will this happen because we will be lesser in number at that time? No RasoolulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam answered.

    You will be great in number, but you will be like froth upon the main, and weak as sticks and straws. Allah Ta`ala will remove, from the hearts of your enemies, your awe and terror, and He shall fill your hearts with cowardice

    Sahaba-e-Kiraam RadhialLahu Ta`ala `Anhum asked What is cowardice?

    Love of the world, hatred for death

    RasoolulLah SallalLahu Alayhi Wasallam answered.

    O people of Allah! Verily Allah Ta`ala and His angels send down blessings upon Prophet Rasool-UlLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam. O people of Faith, you too send Durood and Salaam upon the Holy Prophet. Rasool-UlLah SallalLahu has said, The person who sends Durood upon me once is blessed by Allah Ta`ala ten times. So send Durood upon the first and last Prophet SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam. Allahumma-Sallay `ala Muhammad.

    Ya Allah, bestow your choicest blessings (Rahmah) upon RasoolulLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam as you bestowed blessings (Rahmah) upon Hadhrat Ibraheem `Alayhissalam Verily, you are worthy of all praise, most eminent and exalted. And bestow Barakah upon Rasool-UlLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam as you did upon Rasool-UlLah SallalLahu `Alayhi Wasallam as you did upon Hadhrat Ibraheem `Alayhissalam.

    Verily are ye worthy of all praise, most glorious and eminent.

    Ya Allah bestow your approval upon the Khulafa-e-Rashideen-Abu Bakar, `Umar, `Usman and Ali and all the Sahaba-e-Kiraam RadhialLahu `Anhum.

    O Lord of the universe, be pleased with those who follow all of them in the best possible way. Ya Allah! O Most Merciful of the merciful, grant us you divine approval too.

    Ya Allah! confer upon the Muslims and Islam, honour and victory, upon Kufr and the Kuffar dishonour and defeat.

    Ya Allah! consign the leaders of the Kuffar to the most grievous penalty. Impress upon their faces, in their conversation conflict and dissension. Ya Allah! whoever bears enemity towards Islam and the Muslims, destroy him completely.

    Ya Allah! Lord of the universe, cause the powers of Kufr to go war with each other. Turn them away form the Muslims, and engage them in fighting each other.

    Ya Allah! Make the conspiracies and stratagems of the enemies of Islam, ineffectual and useless.

    Ya Allah! whoever bears malice and ill-will towards us and our cities, make their maliciousness rebound upon themselves. Intervene between us and the evil he intends.

    Ya Allah, Lord of the universe verily you have power over everything. We present you before every Kafir and his opposition. We seek your help against them. We defend ourselves against the Mushrikeen through you.

    Ya Allah! seize the Jews and Christians in the grip of your punishment. Seize the Hindus and the Mushrikeen too.

    Ya Allah! send down upon them a torment most grievous which is not turned away from a guilty nation. Ya Allah! they have filled the entire world with tyranny, oppression and sins. Ya Allah, we seek thy help against them. We seek thy protection against their evil.

    Ya Allah, we seek only they shelter against the mischief of the Rawafiz, the heretics. You are omnipotent indeed.

    Ya Allah! Create affection in the hearts of the Muslims for each other. Reform them, guide them to the paths of safety and peace. Draw them out from the Darkness into the Light, Assist them against your own and their enemies.

    Our Lord, grant us beneficence in this world and in the Aakhirah too. Save us from the torment of Jahannam.

    Ya Allah! Provide safety to our Imaam and grant him the opportunity to perform those deeds which are to your linking, which are acceptable to you. Ya Allah! include him among those who guide others to the right path, who are the guided ones themselves. Ya Allah, assist him in religious and worldly matters. Ya Allah, when matters are of a delicious nature, when it is difficult to recognize Haq (Right), to act upon it, guide them towards what is Haq. Ya Allah, set straight their Batin.

    Ya Allah! Lord of the universe, grant the Muslims the ability to perform deeds which are worthy of your approval, which can gain your divine favour.

    O people of Allah! Allah commands you to do justice. He commands you the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that you may receive admonition.

    Fulfil the Covenant of Allah when you have entered into it, and break not your oaths after you have confirmed them; indeed you have made Allah you surety; for Allah knows all that you do. (16:91-9).

    Remember Allah, who is Great and Glorious one He will remember you. And give thanks unto Him for the many favours He has bestowed upon you, Allah will grant you more. Remembrance (zikr) of Allah is a great thing indeed. And Allah knows well whatever it is that you do.

  19. 19 Kuntau Alam October 4, 2008 at 5:08 pm

    Kau orang nak cerita benda apa kat sini sebenarnya? Kalau susah sangat pergi saja menuntut dengan siti jenar kat jawa sana tu.

    Syahadat – Syeh Siti Jenar
    Aku bersaksi di hadapan Dzat-Ku sendiri
    Sesungguhnya tiada Tuhan selain Aku
    Aku bersaksi sesungguhnya Muhammad itu utusan-Ku
    Sesungguhnya yang di sebut Allah itu badan-Ku
    Rasul itu rasa-Ku
    Muhammad itu cahaya-Ku
    Akulah yang hidup tidak terkena kematian
    Akulah yang kekal tanpa kena perubahan di segala keadaan
    Akulah yang selalu mengawasi dan tiada sesuatu pun yang luput dari pengawasan-Ku
    Akulah yang mahakuasa, yang bijaksana, tiada kekurangan dalam pengertian
    Sempurna terang-benderang
    Tidak terasa apa-apa
    Tidak kelihatan apa-apa
    Hanya Aku yang meliputi seluruh alam dan kodrat-Ku

  20. 20 Kuntau Alam October 26, 2008 at 4:39 am


    Terbaru – Shah Rukh Khan mendapat gelaran datuk? Macam tak masuk akal. Tapi, dia orang luar, itu bukan masalah dia.
    Masalahnya adalah orang kita Islam. Berbanding 40 tahun lalu, trend kegilaan untuk mendapat gelaran Datuk di negara Malaysia ini menjadi-jadi seiring dengan semangat Malaysia boleh!!.

    Bagaimana database gelaran ‘datukship’ seMalaysia agaknya, berapa ribu orang, berapa projek yang mereka dah dapat dengan gelaran itu, apakah signifikan gelaran ini kepada iman, taqwa dan ego penerimanya? Berapa banyak agaknya laporan polis berkenaan kes ‘Datuk Palsu/Bogus’ sudah dibuat? Adakah fenomena ‘DATUK’ ini wujud di negara lain selain Malaysia ?

    Percaya atau tidak GELARAN KEMULIAAN ini sudah disebut bayangannya dalam hadis nabi 1400 tahun lalu.

    Abu Hurairah RA berkata, Rasulullah SAW bersabda,

    “Malam dan siang tidak berlalu (kiamat tidak akan datang) sehingga seorang hamba sahaya menjadi pemimpin manusia yang dipanggil Jahjah.”

    Huraian : Di akhir zaman sekarang, manusia sibuk menjadikan orang yang tidak membawa umat kepada keadilan dan agama Islam sebenar sebagai ketua dan pemimpin mereka. Sebaiknya pemimpin yang diangkat itu, selain bertaqwa adalah mereka yang mempunyai keturunan darah Quraisy. Sejak sekian lama umat Islam di seluruh negara di dunia ini ( termasuklah Arab Saudi) dipimpin oleh mereka yang datang dari golongan orang bawahan atau bukan dari golongan pentadbir yang selayaknya seperti:

    1. Bukan dari anak-anak bangsawan kaum Quraisy, atau dari kalangan orang-orang biasa kaum Quraisy, sebaliknya dari kalangan hamba sahaya.
    2. Datang dari golongan bawahan seperti anak-anak buruh kasar, kuli dan sebagainya.
    3. Datang dari golongan yang keturunannya tidak pernah menjadi pemerintah atau ketua.
    4. Datang dari keturunan yang rendah akhlaknya dan rendah pemikirannya.
    5. Datang dari keturunan orang-orang yang rendah agamanya dan rendah pula penghayatan
    6. Datang dari kalangan keturunan orang-orang yang sangat cintakan jawatan dan dunianya.

    Berdasarkan sejarah, memang sejak beberapa lama dahulu pun memang telah ada golongan
    hamba yang menjadi pemerintah umat Islam, begitu juga golongan yang berasal dari golongan
    bawahan, samada rendah keturunan, lebih-lebih lagi rendah wibawanya bila dilihat dari sudut agama.

    Selain itu, mereka juga memakai bermacam-macam gelaran untuk menunjukkan kebesaran
    dan kemuliaan yang sedang dikecapinya. Jahjah di sini bermaksud gelaran yang mulia bagi mereka itu.

    Sesiapa yang datang berjumpa dengan mereka, hendaklah memanggil atau menyapanya dengan gelaran kebesaran itu. Jika tidak demikian, permintaan orang itu tidak akan dilayannya.

    Jika di Malaysia sekarang ini, jika seseorang itu tidak mendapat pingat yang membawa gelaran di hadapan namanya, menjadi suatu keganjilan pada mata masyarakat. Lihatlah para menterinya, wakil rakyat, orang kenamaan dari kalangan korporat, semuanya mempunyai pangkat yang dikurniakan oleh mana-mana sultan atau raja termasuklah gelaran Datuk.

  21. 21 SaudagarTantari February 15, 2009 at 9:16 am

    Hoi. Lagi ada yang gila rupanya. Kisah Shahrukh Monyet pun nak post kat sini. Bodoh ker?

  22. 22 KopiKapalApi September 22, 2009 at 12:11 pm



    oleh Mohd Jamil Mukmin


    Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad sebagai Nabi Akhir Zaman telah terlebih dahulu diramalkan oleh banyak kitab-kitab agama orang-orang lama zaman itu. Kitab-kitab agama itu termasuklah kitab-kitab Vida, Dasatir dan Injil (Bible). Kenyataan-kenyataan tentang ramalan-ramalan di dalam kitab-kitab agama itu lazimnya disebut sebagai “Khabar Gembira . Orang-orang Islam adalah memegang teguh keterangan-keterangan ini. Kenyataan-kenyataan ramalan yang dimaksudkan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:


    Salah sebuah kitab agama Hindu yang terkenal ialah kitab Sama Vida. Dalam perenggan 6 dan 8 penggal 11 kitab tersebut ada menyatakan keterangan deinikian.

    “Ahmad (Muhammad) menerima syariat daripada Tuhannya, sedang syariat itu penuh hikmat dan ia (syariat) mengambil cahaya daripada Tuhan sebahagian ia (cahaya) diambil daripada matahari.

    Sementara itu pula di dalam kitab Dasatir salah sebuah kitab suci agama Zoroaster (Zoroastrianism) iaitu kitab agama orang-orang Parsi purba ada menyebut seperti berikut:

    “Bahawa umat Zoroaster ketika mereka membuang agama mereka, mereka menjadi hina dan lemah, kemudian bangkitlah seorang di Tanah Arab menewaskan pengikutnya (pengikut-pengikut Zoroaster) dan orang-orang Parsi dan menundukkan pula orang-orang Parsi yang sombong. Selepas daripada api dalam kuil-kuil mereka, mereka mengarahkan pula muka mereka ke arah Kaabah Ibrahim yang telah dibersihkan daripada berhala-berhala, ketika itu mereka menjadi pengikut-pengikut bagi Nabi (Muhammad) yang menjadi rahmat bagi seluruh alam, dan menguasai orang-orang Parsi, menakluki Madain, Tus dan Balk iaitu tempat suci bagi orang-orang Zoroaster dan yang berjiran dengan mere ka. Dan Nabi mereka sesungguhnya adalah bijak bercakap, ia bercakap dengan mukjizat-mukjizat.

    Kitab-kitab tersebut adalah merupakan kitab-kitab yang sangat dihormati dan disanjung tinggi oleh penganut-penganutnya. Ramalan-ramalan dalam kitab-kitab tersebut kemudiannya telah menjadi kenyataan. Nabi Muhammad sebagaimana yang dipaparkan dalam kitab-kitab itu kemudiannya telah lahir, membuka fikiran manusia ke sinaran yang terang benderang.


    Dalani kitab Taurat Ulangan iaitu kitab suci agama Yahudi fasal 18 Tuhan telah berIirman kepada Nabi

    Musa, katanya:

    “Bahawa aku (tuhan) akan bangkitkan bagi mereka itu (dan seluruh insan di dunia ini) seorang Nabi dari kalangan saudara mereka (orang-orang Arab) yang seperti engkau (Musa) dan aku akan menjadikan segala flrmanku dalam mulutnya, dan ia pun akan menyatakan kepada mereka segala yang aku pesankan.

    Teranglah dalam ayat ini Tuhan telah menyuruh Nabi Musa supaya beliau menyatakan kepada kaumnya Bani Israel bahawa kelak Tuhan akan mengutuskan seorang Rasul kepada mereka dan seluruh manusia yang bukan daripada keturunan Bani Israel, tetapi daripada bangsa yang bersaudara dengan mereka, iaitu keturunan Nabi Ismail putera Nabi Ibrahim atau ketuninan Arab Muda (al-Arab ul-Musta’ribah). Dan Rasul yang dimaksudkan itu tidak lain tidak bukan ialah Nabi Muhammad. Bagi mencari asal-usul keturunan Arab Muda itu yang dikatakan bersaudara dengan Bani Israel, kajian tentang susur-galur keturunan Nabi Ibrahim perlu sekali dibuat. Mengikut sejarah Nabi Ibrahim mempunyai dua orang putera, selain Nabi Ismail iaitu Nabi Ishak yang mempunyai seorang putera bernama Nabi Yaakub atau Israel. Inilah sebabnya mereka itu dikatakan bersaudara.


    Dalam kitab Injil Yahya yang digunakan oleh orang-orang Kristian dahulu atau boleh juga disebut kitab Injil Yahya Lama, fasal 18 ada menyatakan berikut:

    “Tetapi aku (Isa) ini mengatakan yang benar kepadamu (pengikut-pengikut Isa) bahawa berfaedahlah bagi kamu jika aku ini pergi, kerana jika aku tiada pergi tiadalah Paraclete itu akan datang kepadamu, tetapi jika aku pergi aku akan men yuruh dia kepadamu.

    Perkataan Paraclete’ ini berasal daripada bahasa Greek Tua iaitu Parakletos’ yang bermakna Penolong’ atau Wakil’ yang boleh juga diertikan sebagai Utusan’ atau Rasul’. Tetapi perkataan ini kemudiannya ditafsirkan oleh padri-padri Kristian sebagai Roh alQudus (The Holy Ghost). Dalam bahasa Greek Tua itu juga terdapat satu perkataan yang hampir sama dengan perkataan itu iaitu Paraklutos’ ertinya Yang Sangat Terpuji’ atau dalam bahasa Arab disebut Ahmad atau Muhammad. Perkataan Paraklutos ini yang sebenamya dicatatkan dalam kitab Injil bahasa Greek Tua, tetapi kemudiannya telah berubah menjadi Paraclete, kerana mungkin kecuaian penyalin-penyalinnya, sebab penyalin-penyalmn itu kebanyakannya terdiri daripada penuntut-penuntut padri yang kurang mahir dalam bahasa itu. Atau mungkmn juga perkataan itu sengaja diubah oleh padri-padn untuk memberi keyakinan kepada penganut-penganut Kristian.


    Kitab Injil Yahya yang digunakan oleh gereja-gereja Kristian pada masa ini juga membayangkan tentang kedatangan Nabi Akhir Zaman itu. Dalam fasal 16 ayat 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 dan 17 kitab tersebut Nabi Isa telah menegaskan kepada murid-muridnya, katanya:

    “Dart hal hukuman sebab penghulu dunia ini sudah dihukumkan. Maka ada lagi banyak perkara-perkara yang hendak kukatakan kepadamu, tetapi sekarang ini tiada boleh kamu menanggung dia. Melainkan apabila ia pun datang, iaitu Roh Kebenaran, maka ia akan membawa kamu pada jalan segala kebenaran, kerana tiada dengar kelak iaitu akan dikatakannya, dan dikhabarkannya kelak kepadamu perkara-perkara yang akan datang. Maka ia akan memuliakan aku kerana dtambilnya kelak perkaraku lalu dikhabarkannya kepada kamu (manusia kemudian). Barang sesuatu yang ada kepada Bapa (Tuhan Bapa) iaitu semuanya aku punya, itulah sebabnya aku sudah berkata bahawa diambilnya kelak perkaraku lalu dikhabarkannya kepadamu (manusia kemudian). Lagi seketika maka tiada kamu akan memandang aku lagi, kemudian seketika lagi kamu akan memandang aku pula.

    (Injil Yahya 16: 12-17)

    Kesimpulan ayat-ayat di atas bolehlah seperti berikut:

    “Darihal hukuman sebab penghulu dunia ini sudah dihukumkan. Maka ada lagi banyak perkara yang hendak kukatakan kepadamu, tetapi sekarang ini tiada boleh kamu menanggung dia. Melainkan apabila ia pun datang, iaitu Roh Kebenaran, maka ia akan membawa kamu (manusia kemudian) pada jalan segala kebenaran. Ayat ini menghuraikan bahawa Roh Kebenaran yang dikatakan datang tadi akan melanjutkan kerja-kerja Nabi Isa.

    2. “Kerana tiada Ia akan berkata-kata daripada kuasa dirlnya sendiri melainkan barang yang didengrnya kelak iaitu akan dikatakannya, dan dikhabarkannya kelak kepadamu (manusia kemudian) perkara-perkara yang akan datang . Umumnya ayat ini menyatakan yang Roh Kebenaran yang akan muncul itu akan menerangkan kepada seluruh manusia perkara-perkara yang diwahyukan oleh Tuhan terhadapnya (barang yang didengarkan kelak), dan akan menerangkan perkara-perkara yang akan datang seumpamanya tentang Hari Qiamat dan sebagamnya.

    3. “Maka Ia akan memuliakan aku kerana diambilnya kelak perkaraku lalu dikhabarkannya kepadamu (manusIa kemudian) . Ayat ini membayangkan bahawa Roh Kebenaran itu akan memberI kemuliaan kepada Nabi Isa kerana ia akan menerima keterangan-keterangan tentangnya daripada Tuhan untuk umatnya sebagai contoh tauladan dan ajaran-aj arannya. Mengikut ajaran-ajaran Kristian sekarang, Nabi Isa adalah penjelmaan Tuhan di muka bumi ini atau Nabi Isa itu adalah Tuhan Anak (The Son of God), sebab itulah ayat Injil di atas menyatakan, “Barang yang ada kepada Bapa (Tuhan Bapa) iaitu semuanya aku punya, itulah sebabnya aku sudah berkata bahawa diambilnya kelak perkaraku lalu dikhabarkannya kepadamu (manusia kemudian) . Ayat ini boleh ditafsirkan bahawa apa yang ada pada Tuhan Bapa (Allah) terdapat juga Tuhan Anak (Isa), dan ini bermakna bahawa ajaran-ajaran Tuhan Bapa (Allah) juga.

    4. Lagi seketika maka tiada kamu akan memandang aku lagi, kemudian seketika lagi kamu akan memandang aku pula. Ayat ini membayangkan bahawa Nabi Isa selepas daripada menyatakan kenyataan-kenyataan itu akan lenyap, tetapi kemudian akan menjelma di dunia ini.

    Dan kenyataan-kenyataan dan tafsiran-tafsiran di atas menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa Roh Kebenaran yang dikatakan akan menyambung usaha-usaha Nabi Isa tersebut, tidak salah kalau dikatakan seorang Pesuruh Allah atau Rasulullah, kerana tugas-tugas yang dibayangkannya adalah tugas seorang Rasul. Roh Kebenaran itu tidaklah menyeleweng kalau dikatakan Nabi Muhammad, kerana bayangan-bayangan yang tersebut di dalam ayat tersebut kemudiannya telah menjadi kenyataan apabila Nabi Muhammad lahir. Cuma yang agak berbeza yang juga mungkin boleh menimbulkan salah faham ialah ayat, “Barang sesuatu yang ada kepada Bapa (Tuhan Bapa) iaitu semuanya aku punya, itulah sebabnya aku sudah berkata bahawa diambilnya kelak perkaraku lalu dikhabarkannya kepadamu. Ayat ini harus telah menenima perubahan bagi menyesuaikan dengan konsep tritung gal (trinity) agama Knistian. Huraian ayat ini telah pun dijelaskan di atas.


    Kitab Injil Barnaba ini ialah salah sebuah kitab Injil yang telah dibatalkan pengesahannya oleh padri-padri Kristian dalam satu persidangan tidak lama dahulu, kerana isi kitab Injil tersebut tidak jauh perbezaannya dengan kitab suci al-Quran, banyak menyebut atau sekurang-kurangnya membayangkan tentang ketibaan Nabi Muhammad sebagai Nabi Akhir Zaman di antaranya kenyataan-kenyataan dan bayangan-bayangan (Khabar Gembira) tentang ketibaan Nabi Muhammad itu adalah seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah ini:

    “Sesungguhnya telah datang Nabi-Nabi semuanya melainkan seorang Rasul yang akan datang sesudahku (Isa) nanti.

    2. “Jesus Christ (Isa) berkata, Janganlah bergoncang hati kamu (murid-murid Isa) dan janganlah kamu takut, kerana bukan aku menjadikan kamu, tetapi Tuhan (Allah) yang men] adikan kamu. Adapun tentang diriku sesungguhnya aku datang untuk menyediakan jalan bagi Utusan Tuhan (Rasulullah) yang akan datang membawa kelepasan bagi dunia. Tetapi awas kamu ditipu orang kerana akan datang beberapa banyak Nabi dusta, mereka mengambil perkataanku dan mengaturkan Injilku.

    Ketika itu berkata Andraus, “Wahai Guruku, sebutkanlah bagi kami satu tanda supaya kami (manusia kemudian) kenal akan dia. Maka jawab Isa, “Sesungguhnya dia tidak datang pada masa kamu ini tetapi ia akan datang kelak berbilang tahun selepas masa kamu, iaitu di waktu dirosakkan orang Injilku dan hampir tidak didapati lagi tiga puluh orang mukmin (pengikut-pengikut Isa yang tulen). Di waktu itulah Tuhan (Allah) merahmati dunia ini, maka diutus-Nya-lah Rasul-Nya yang tetap, awan putih di atas kepalanya mengenal akan dia salah seorang pilihan Tuhan (Allah) dan dialah yang akan menzahirkan kepada dunia. Dan ia akan datang dengan kekuatan yang besar untuk menewaskan orang-orang jahat dan ia akan menghapuskan penyembahan berhala dari dunia ini.

    Sesungguhnya aku menyukai yang demikian, kerana dengan perantaraannya akan diterangkan dan dimuliakan orang akan Tuhan (Allah) dan Ia menyatakan kebenaranku. Dan ia akan menghukum sekalian orang yang berkata bahawa aku orang yang lebih besar daripada manusia (sama dengan Tuhan).

    3. Satu rombongan Yahudi telah datang menemui Isa mereka bertanya tentang Nabi yang akan dibangkitkan di akhir zaman nanti. Maka Isa berkata, “Tuhan (Allah) telah menjadikan Nabi di akhir zaman dan telah meletakkan dalam sebuah qandil’ daripada cahaya dan menamakannya Muhammad’. Berkata ia, Wahai Muhammad, sabarlah. Lantaran engkaulah aku jadikan makhluk yang banyak dan aku anugerahkan untuk engkau semuanya. Barangsiapa yang rela kepada engkau maka rela pula kepadanya dan barangsiapa yang marahkan engkau maka aku terlepas daripadanya.

    (Injil Barnaba, 97).

    4. Bertanya murid-murid (murid-murid Isa), “Wahai Guru. Siapakah gerangannya laki-laki itu yang engkau (Isa) katakan yang akan datang ke alam ini? Menjawab Isa dengan perasaan gembiranya, “Sebenamya itulah “Muhammad Rasulullah . Dia datang ke alam ini untuk berbuat balk di kalangan manusia dengan membawa rahmat yang banyak, seperti mana hujan mencurah bumi yang mengeluarkan buah-buahan sesudah menempuh kemarau panjang. Maka dia merupakan awan putih yang dipenuhi rahmat Tuhan, iaitu rahmat yang dicurahkan Tuhan (Allah) terhadap orang mukmin laksana huj an.

    (Injil Bamaba, 163)

    5. Nabi Isa berkata kepada murid-muridnya, tatkala manusia memanggil aku Tuhan (Allah) dan Tuhan Anak (Anak Allah) aku tidak ada lagi di dalam alam mi. Tuhan (Allah) mengolok-olokkan manusia di alam ini dengan kematian Yahuda. Mereka beriktikad bahawa akulah yang mati tersalib itu, supaya tidak lagi syaitan mengolok-lokkan aku di hari Qiamat nanti. Aku tetapkan begini selamanya hingga datang “Muhammad Rasulullah . Apabila Muhammad datang terbukalah rahsia tipuan ini bagi mereka yang beriman dengan agama Tuhan (Allah).

    (Injil Bamaba, 220: 19 – 20)

    6. Dalam Injil Barnaba itu juga Nabi Isa pemah berkata, “Nabi Adam pemah melihat di udara satu tulisan La ilaha illallah wa Muhammad darRasulullah,’ Maka Adam berkata kepada Tuhan (Allah); Aku bersyukur kepada Engkau wahai Tuhanku kerana Engkau telah jadikan aku, dan berilah kepada aku apakah maknanya, “Muhammad dar Rasulullah itu? Tuhan (Allah) menjawab, “Selamat datang engkau wahai hamba-Ku Adam. Sesungguhnya aku katakan kepada engkau adalah mula pertamanya manusia yang aku jadikan dan tulisan yang engkau lihat ini sebenamya itulah anak engkau yang akan datang ke alam ini sesudah beberapa tahun nanti. Dia akan menjadi UtusanKu (Rasul-Ku). Kerananyalah Aku jadikan segalanya. Apabila dia datang kepada alam. Adalah dirinya itu terletak di dalam satu tempat yang indah, kira-kira 60,000 tahun sebelum aku jadikan engkau.

    7. Di lembaran laIn kitab Injil Barnaba itu Nabi Isa pemah berkata, “Di waktu Nabi Adam keluar daripada syurga (bersama-sama Hawa) ia nampak tulisan di atas pintu syurga. “La ilaha illalLah wa Muhamma dar Rasulullah. Sebagaimana yang telah dinyatakan di atas tadi ketibaan Nabi Muhammad adalah sebagai mentaksid atau untuk membaiki penyelewengan yang terdapat di dalam agama Nasrani (Knistian) dan juga agama Yahudi, di samping untuk mempenlengkapkan lagi ajaran-ajaran yang diwahyukan kepada Rasul-Rasul yang terdahulu danipadanya sesuai bagi seluruh manusia dan sepanjang zaman. Nabi Muhammad telah membawa agama Islam sebagai agama yang benar, agama yang diredai oleh Allah dan agama yang menyelamatkan manusia daripada ajaran-ajanan agama yang telah menyeleweng daripada asal.

  1. 1 Asal dan Usul « The Sovereign Empire of 'Bani Jawi Kingdom' of All … » Cari Kerja Online : Cari Kerja Online Trackback on November 20, 2009 at 2:28 am

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